Philip Peters wrote:

>Some people are very fond of Uchida's set on Philips but I find that
>too *romantic* really.

*Romantic* is about the last adjective I'd use to describe Uchida's Mozart.
I just don't hear that at all; I hear - fast, on the edge, elegant, etc.
Haebler, in her Denon series, might be somewhat in the romantic mode, de
Larrocha as well.

>Most of the time those same *other people* think Maria Joao Pires is the
>worst pianist in the world but I happen to like her first set
>on Denon very much.

I like Pires also.  I don't have her entire Denon set, but the two discs
I own have received much playing time.  She does the best "turkish march"
I've heard.

I remember that Virgin issued a set of the piano sonatas that I bought one
at a time when they first came out.  I liked those recordings primarily
because I thought the pianist did a very good job with the fast movements.
I think the pianist was Pommier, the same guy who recorded a complete set
of Beethoven piano sonatas for Erato.

Don Satz
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