How long did that "Daft" article say?? I have "accidentally" taped 2 Pieces
of Music Consecutively, that makes a total "Nonsense" of the statement made
earlier about Baroque Music taking a "surge" in popularity in the last
"few" years.

What I'd like to know is Harty "arranged" The Music to the Royal Fire
works"; WHEN was it out on "Decca", PLEASE?? That will be the First "Date".
The next pieceS taped = Savall on the Solo Viola da Gamba, made on the Alia
Vox Label; so Very Recently - like less than 2 Years "old"?? So, should I
call this tape:- "Baroque Music 19..  to 1997+ - Note the differences??"
I'd reckon the Harty "must" have appeared as a "treat" for a gang of
Totally DIS-interested Boys @ a Pommie /Limey Boarding school pre 1955 @

The 2 "approaches" have absolutely Zilch/Zero/Nil in common @ all?? By
1963, I know the "1/2 respectable" [in HIP terms] Mackerras version was
available as I heard it played in a shop outside Singapore Royal Naval
Dockyard AT MY REQUEST I was "Broke" and off to Sea in the morning = so
bought that LP after 1966 in Australia The LP Cover is an "Icon", that I
use as a Wall Decoration, to remind me where/when the Early Music ADDICTION
began.  Must keep an ear open for the "current" [HIP] version?? "Nostalgia
aint what it used to be"?!*
