Todd McComb was relating the differences between CD World and CDNOW.
One of the features he preferred about CD World was that there were no
automatic back orders, whereas CDNOW customarily back orders all orders
which are not in stock.

When I started buying from CDNOW, I was also disturbed by their back order
policy.  When would I receive the cd? What if I wanted to buy it elsewhere?

As I became more familiar with CDNOW, I found that I can cancel any back
ordered item I want.  Also, as I gained insight into their "flow" of
sending ordered cd's, I found that ordering two discs every three or four
days would result in my receiving about 2 packages a week which suits me
just fine.

Todd also indicated that when you make a multiple order and one of the cd's
has to be back ordered, none of the order is sent until that back ordered
cd comes in.  That's only correct if any item in the order is an "advance"
order; otherwise, they send everything on the order which is in stock.

What it comes down to is that I regularly receive about 4 cd's a week from
CDNOW, and I'm satisfied with that pace.

Some list members have been critical of the CDNOW screens and small print.
I don't find any problem with the print, and the screens look good to me.
There are advertisements, but I pay no attention to them.  I just like the
colors and shapes.

Don Satz
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