I like to think that I'm above judging a CD by its cover.  When I first
started collecting classical music, I was a member of the Musical Heritage
Society and their covers were truly dismal, but that seemed of small
importance compared to the music inside.  However, I simply cannot bear to
purchase those CDs of historic performances (can't remember the company)
that are laid out like a newspaper front page with screaming headlines.

And for a long time I resisted buying any of those series of Bernstein
recordings that feature paintings by Prince Charles on the cover.  Not
that they were particularly ugly, but I didn't like the fact that Prince
Charles could get his unremarkable art published just because he was Prince
Charles.  I finally gave in when I found a Shostakovitch 9th that I was
looking for to fill in my collection of his symphonies and having broken
the ice now, I'd probably do it again if I saw something I really wanted.

John Parker
Tucson, Arizona