Last week, I purchased a used copy of Sir George Solti's recording of
Wagner's Gotterdammerung.  I had sworn off buying any more operas until
I retire (which is no time soon) because I find that I simply do not have
time to sit through three consecutive hours or so of music that requires
very concentrated listening.  And so, for weeks I ignored the box on top
of the display case, until I started to get this little voice in my head
telling me I'd be a fool to let this get away at $32 for the 4 CD

So I caved in.  Well, I have enjoyed the little bit of Wagner that I have,
which consists mainly of overtures.  But I had eyed the Ring Cycle warily
and had not really been interested in a serious relationship.  That has all
changed.  I have been listening at the rate of a little less than one CD a
night for the past three nights and I am head over heels in love.  Not only
is the music absolutely gorgeous, but I find myself engrossed in the play
as I never imagined I would.

Unfortunately, I am coming in on this story at the end, so now I MUST
collect the first three operas of the cycle.  Solti's Die Walkure happens
to be at the same used book and CD store where I got Gotterdammerung and
I am going back tomorrow with my fingers crossed in hopes that it is still
there.  Das Rheingold and Siegfried are not there, however, though I could
probably turn them up at one of several used CD shops in town eventually...
if I do not insist on them being Solti's recordings.

My question, of Ring Cycle fans is: Would it be stupid to mix different
versions of the cycle? Common sense tells me that I ought to stick with
one conductor, one set of performers, for the complete cycle, but I am
also a cheapskate and if I could reasonably get away with some other
performances..well, I would.  Unless it was a REALLY bad idea.  Opinions?

And while I'm on the topic of operas.  As I was looking through the
opera bin at another store today, searching for the other Solti Ring
performances, I came across a box of Strauss' Elektra done by Mitropoulis.
I don't remember names of any performers or the orchestra.  It was on a
label named Dino and it is of a 1950 performance.  Is anyone familiar
with the recording? Obviously the sound quality is going to be less
than perfect.  I just wonder how much less than perfect and whether
the performance is good enough to make up for it.

John Parker
Tucson, Arizona