----- Oprindelig meddelelse -----
Fra: Jerry J Bromenshenk <[log in to unmask]>
Til: <[log in to unmask]>
Sendt: 8. september 1999 20:36
Emne: Re: Plastic hives

> 1.  Under conditions of high humidity, water ran down the inside of the
> hives (wood breathes)

I prefer to carry honey not water :-) (Wood is getting wet) if you don't paint it!
If you have a god ventilation the water is no problems in plastic hives.

> 2.  If you want to paint them another color, the paint wouldn't hold.

I have been using platic hives now for twenty years (Langstroth)! they are three centimers in thicknes (Hard Styropor) and there is no need for extra isolation. I have painted mine one time, the time I got them. They were white and I turned it into green. The paint was plastic based house painting. The paint is still on them.

> 3.  The ones that I saw were heavy compared to wood.

One langstroth with ten frames and fundation has a weight of 4.5 kg with three supers but no honey in I can move a hive alone! and I am 56 years old and not a bodybuilder type :-)

> 4.  Difficult to repair

Glue it together again. I use expanding glue for wood! By the way I have only had two boxes broken in all those years. It came from dropping supers containing 30kg honey out of my hands. Well they have been taken into use again after gluing them together and they are still working after five years.

best regards

Jorn Johanesson

EDBi = multilingual Beekeeping software since 1987
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