Billy Kitson ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>I hear the "New Kingsway Hall Orchestra" is trying to recreate the Total
>"Sound" of the "Olde" Kingsway Hall - to such an extent they are trying to
>duplicate it in every way??

I think you're confused, I've only heard of the New Queen's Hall Orchestra
(after the hall where the Proms had theeir home until it was destoryed in
the Blitz).  Their intention is to play late romantic music in a period
style, in just the way that the HIPsters have been having fun with the
baroque (and both directions) for the last few decades.

>... How "blurry silly" is this HIP thing going to get??

Nothing silly about it.  Listen to Mengerlberg's Mahler 4 (1939, but he'd
started his conducting career 50 years earlier) and then listen to a modern
performance and tell me they're the same.

I think this is at least as overdue as the HIP stuff was.  Dammit, I *want*
to hear portamento in Mahler.

Deryk Barker
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