Wes Crone wrote:

>I bet these critics of Brendel have yet to hear these performances
>Don and I speak of.

I wouldn't be surprised if they have heard Brendel/Schubert/Haydn.
The folks I personally know who do not care for Brendel have heard them
and definitely don't like them.  Their criticisms are similar to those
voiced on the list and include skepticism of his technical abilites,
undernourished emoting, narrow range of dynamics, and not much insight
to offer.

Of course, I don't personally agree with any of these criticisms, but
Brendel does elicit a wide range of reactions to his performances.  There's
clearly a "type" of listening person who loves his music making, and there
must be many of us since Brendel hasn't reached the reputation he has
through those who don't tend to like him.

Don Satz
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