Thanks to Steve S for directing me to his excellent review of vol 1 & 2 of
Ton Koopman's Bach series!

I read with particular interest the description of Cantata 21 Ich habe viel
bekummernis.  (Harmonia Mundi HMC 901328).  Right now I'm bowled over by
Herreweghe's version with Collegium Vocale, Barbara Schlick, Gerard Lesne
and Peter Harvey, all excellent

Steve describes the recitative "Wie hast du mich mein Gott..." and the
following aria" Bache von gesalznen Zahren..." as sung by a soprano. On
Herreweghe's version this is sung by Howard Crook and is one of many high
points on this CD (Another one is Gerard Lesne 's 10 minute-aria on BWV 42,
it makes my spine shiver!)

My question is: Is there more than one version of BWV 21?
