Aaron Rabushka responds (in part):

>1) By using the work "anti-manifesto" you seem to indulging the kind of
>indirect communication that you deplore coming from Joyce and his ilk.
>There doesn't seem to be anything "anti-" about your manifesto.

I was writing in (very belated) response to Mr. Babbitt's article which, I
believe, was subtitled "A manifesto." If I'm wrong, I'm sure you'll tell me.

>3) No one needs your permission to write.  Fortunately.  Note that we
>remember fewer vituperators than we do composers.  Eduard Hanslick comes
>to mind, and Mr. Pleasants (sp?)(whose first name escapes me) is always
>good for a few laughs.

That was Henry Pleasants.  And reading Eduard Hanslick's criticisms today,
they seem to me the epitome of reasonable musical discussion.  I guess
everyone gets their laughs in different ways.

I am looking forward in the next few minutes to listening to those
"swatches" on your web page.  I will forebear to criticize, however,
unless I really like them.

I also agree with your point 4.  There will always be disagreement about
just which types of music are "better" than Garth and Madonna.

Best wishes,

David Simmons
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Virginia Beach, VA