Ian wrote:

>4'33" is not, in my view, music - good, bad or indifferent.  It is a
>rather shallow theatrical trick designed to make the audience think about
>their ideas of what "music" is and their preconceptions of the concert
>experience.  Nothing is gained by repeat performances, even if performed
>by different instrumental groups, and the full meaning of the piece can
>be derived from reading about it as easily as by going to a performance.

Uhmmm...You are right,that is not music.I also agree about the teatrical
trick, but in that case could be much better if cage would wrote for
theater (it seems it was his real telent).  Many people justified his
"innovations" with the argument:  "Cage is a Philosopher".Well if he was
a Philosopher,he should wrote books instead to do what he did.  Despite
of all this stuff,everybody has his(her) big mistakes in life,and i think
Cage made this big mistake (maybe with his best intentions).Could be a
possibility that of most people who speak and make discussion of this
"composer"(included myself),are fascinated with the circus side of this.
Time ago i was in a music list,where people spent about::  three months!!
speaking not exactly about Cage,but about 4:33.  About some rather good
music,i think his music was another big mistake too.  Best:
