David Runnion wrote in response to Wes Crone:

>>Remember, 4'33"  streeses.
>That's stresses Wes.  Don't you proofread your posts?

Has I been transported to a high schools Inglish grammars clas? Just
speakings for meselfs, I didn't join this lists too prepare or reads
critique of the grammar and form usedd by fellows list members; that's
Dave Lampson's domainer.  I looks at content, and I request that David du
the sames insteads of appearing pety.  The point of the ritten word is tu
communicate, and I'm sured that Daveid are having no problem understandings
the content ov Wes's pohstings.

Don Satz
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 [I'll take this opportunity to make something clear.  The content of a
 post is the sole responsibilty of the poster.  I don't correct grammar,
 usage, or spelling, nor do I ask posters to do this themselves.  If a
 poster does not care enough about being clear in his/her communications,
 or if they do not feel sufficient respect for the rest of us to make
 their posts readable, that comes through unmoderated.  I screen out
 impertinence - a post must explicitly be about classical music (not
 about another post, for example, as this would have been rejected if
 I wasn't looking to make a point), and improper format.  The rest is
 up to list members.  According to long established netiquette, it is
 never proper to criticize typos, unless you yourself are perfect.