George J. Lindner ([log in to unmask]) wrote:

>[log in to unmask] wrote:
>>I would like to hear from those who dislike him and/or his conducting.
>In my opinion HvK was a very good technician and of course he had the
>best instrument in the world to work with: the Berlin Philharmonic. ...

Much as I don't particularly want to leap to the defence of the old Nazi,
this is really ignoring the fact that, while he certainly inherited a great
orchestra, the orchestra he left nearly 35 years later was almost entirely
his own creation.

>Until approximately 1951 and again in my opinion, his interpretations were
>true to the composer's intentions as we know them and he then showed the
>promise which he fulfilled in the ears of many.

I think I'd extend it further than that.  His Philharmonia Beethoven
cycle is generally very fine.  Although I certainly agree that he - shrank,
I suppose would be the oposite of grew, over the years.  His 1944 Eroica,
for istance, is an improvement on all that came after (and there were
enough of them).  Ditto his Bruckner 8 (the 3 mvts which survive anyway).

Deryk Barker
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