Roger Hecht wrote:

>>It's interesting this pairing of Mahler and Bruckner as if they were
>>brothers.  They were very different composers.

Chris Bonds wrote:

>Oh, very much agreed.  I hope I didn't give the impression that I
>personally was lumping them together.

I wasn't thinking of you, just to a common impression.

>I get the impression that there's some consensus that Furtwaengler was
>"the" Bruckner conductor, but there is no consensus as to "the" Mahler
>conductor.  Maybe some would mention Bernstein in that context, others
>Klemperer--but I don't see a consensus there.

Klemperer.  There's one whom I like equally in Bruckner and Mahler--what
he did anyway-- though, commercially, at least, I think he recorded more

Roger Hecht