Don Satz, writing of the Magnard symphonies:

>Now to the available versions.  There is an older set on EMI performed
>by Plasson which I have not heard.

I bought it earlier this year and am pretty well satisfied with it.  It's
on 3 CDs with some short orchestral works as fillers.  I'm not sure if it's
still available.  I've heard only the Hyperion #1 and thought it on a par
with Plasson - as ever, a combination of the two would be a better version

For years, the only Magnard I'd heard was the old Ansermet version of #3
which I still find more satisfying than the Plasson, although if I were in
the habit of wearing a hat, I'd take it off to Plasson for his advocacy of
French music in general.  I agree with Don that these are very rewarding
symphonies and I regret that Magnard, as another senseless casualty of war,
did not have the chance to compose more.

Richard Pennycuick
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