Bob Draper wrote concerning Spohr's clarinet concertos:

>But it's all pretty soulless stuff.  For some reason, also, I find
>the clarinet a difficult instrument to appreciate.

I've also noticed little in the concertos beyond technical facility.  But,
I have no problem appreciating the clarinet; my problem was getting away
from it.  My dad forced the piano on me, but I eventually told him I wanted
no more of it.  To my amazement, he agreed.  However, the very next day he
came home with a brand new clarinet, presented it to me, and said it was
time to practice.  He even drove me what I thought was a long distance,
three times a week, to take lessons from some exalted clarinet instructor.
Three times a week!!  I couldn't believe my dad's persistence.  But it all
turned out fine when I figured out that doing lousy (his word) in school
would get him off my back in all areas except illegal activities.  That's
correct.  The man figured that if he could keep me out of jail, he had done
a fine job.  I never did spend time in jail, but I can't say I refrained
from all illegal activities.

>But Spohr overrated?  Come off it.  Who exactly is overrating him
>apart from himself.

Yes, Spohr isn't exactly a household name, and I assume that most classical
music fans never heard of him.  However, out of curiousity, I got out my
Schwann Opus.  Spohr has about 3.5 columns devoted to his recordings;
Messiaen has a little LESS than Spohr.  Granted, most Spohr recordings are
not from the "majors", but I was surprised.  Perhaps Spohr is doomed to a
legacy of being recorded much and being known hardly at all.  Maybe he
doesn't deserve more than that.  Maybe I'm confused.

I've already commented that I like Spohr's chamber works, but it's more
than that.  I'm very fond of the music that represents a bridge between the
classical and romantic eras.  Of those composers representing the earlier
part of that period, I place Spohr and Reicha on equal footing.  That
reminds me that I goofed on one of my recommendations for Spohr chamber
works; I mentioned 2 cd's on MDG of wind and string music, but it's Reicha,
not Spohr.  I can't even get them straight in my mind.  More confusion.
Let's move on to a different composer from a different era.

Don Satz
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