Juozas Rimas said:

>Chopin is a Great Composer for piano. In this particular field he could be
>included in the company of Bach, Haydn, Mozart, and Beethoven.  If you do
>not agree, please read on. ...
>Chopin's tragedy was he wrote only for piano. You see, if a composer
>couldn't write big orchestra works...

I agree mostly with Mr. Rimas...

I think that if Chopin had composed for orchestra his destiny would
be different.  But in the other hand, his music was romantic...  How may
piano romantics became famous? Not so many but if they only composed for
the piano is much worse.  Think about Scriabin, who loved Chopin (when
he has a child, he slept every night with a Chopin's partition under
his pillow) and continue his activity...  The best known of his works are
his symphonies even if his piano music is much better...  Piano lovers
appreciate anyway very much Chopin, Liszt and Scriabin but I think that we
have to speak about Orchestral lovers, piano lovers, violin lovers, chamber
music,...  etc.  I am a piano lover.  I love Scriabine, a bit less Chopin,
but when I was a child!!!!  Chopin was my heroe.  (Is Chopin trivial? May
be many of his works are...Is that enough to judge all the rest?)


Martin Pitchon