Gerardo Constantini wrote:

>Tureck is very interesting, but for me she sounds most times more
>"scholar" than a "great artist". She uses the style perfectly (of course
>in this topic nobody has the last word), but very few times she makes me
>feel an emotional context on it: Don't forget Bach was not only Brain, but
>a big soul too.

I never forget that fact, and I don't think Tureck does either.  Certain
artists tend to get an "academic/scholarly" reputation, and we think that
they slight the emotional and spontaneous areas of music.  Tureck does no
such thing.  Whether it's the Philips or DG recording, I hear a superb
pianist who digs into Bach and extracts a wonderful range of emotions.
I feel them when I listen to her, and that's all I need to arrive at the
conclusion that she marries the scholarly and emtional just fine.  Yes,
Ray, that includes the recent DG recording as well - keep listening, you
might find it.

Don Satz
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