Don wrote:

>So far, I've listened to Firkusny's Overgrown Path a few times.
>Surprisingly, I favor Roling by a wide margin.  He's more poetic and
>nostalgic than Firkusny; also, Firkusny, too much for my taste, does much
>piano banging which reminds me of the typical romantic approach to piano

I tend to agree with Don here - Re: piano banging - plus dry sound
recording.  Firkusny's is my introduction to Janacek's solo piano works and
I can't say that I'm overly impressed with the work or the interpretation.
I think the dry and airless sound recording are partly to be blamed.
However, Leif Andnes' interpretation on the Virgin label restored my
appreciation for Janacek's piano works.  Maybe it's time to start hunting
for Roling's disc on Ottavio.

Kar Ming