Dave Lampson wrote:

>Music is anything someone listens to as music.
>This isn't very satisfying emotionally, but it does work.  For instance,
>take a random, disorganized collection of sounds, like ten washers on
>spin cycle in the local laundromat (sort of a naturally occurring version
>of Steve Reich's "Drumming", if you will).  If you don't listen to it as
>music, then it's just noise, but if you listen carefully you can detect
>the rhythmic interaction of these ten machines, and I would say that it can
>be considered music if it is listened to as such.

To put it in a negative way, it isn't music UNTIL someone listens to it as
such, which is a bit too close to the "if a tree falls in the forest and
there is no one to witness it, is there a sound?" argument.

Chris Bonds