Richard Pennycuick wrote:

>A friend whose special interest is Russian music has managed to obtain
>Symphonies 1, 3, 4 and 5 by Eshpai and I've advised him of the release of
>#2 on Albany.  Does anyone know how many symphonies or other orchrestral
>works Eshpai has written or indeed, if he's still with us?

I believe he is indeed still with us.  I have the following works of his.
Some of them are a bit uneven.  One of the Symphonies, possibly the 5th,
sounds influenced by a rather naive notion of popular music.

A Circle (complete ballet); Angara ballet fragments; Concerto for Oboe and
Orchestra; Concerto for Orchestra (rather jazzy.  One of my favorite works
of his.  May still be available on Russian disc from Berkshire-a great buy)
Concerto for Viola; 2 for Violin; No.2 for Piano; Hungarian Melodies for
Vln and Orch.; Lenin Among Us (1968); Violin Sonatas 1,2; Songs of Mountain
and Meadow Maris for Orchestra; Symphonies 2-6
