Wes Crone writes:

>I was quite curious to hear this different sound.  I LOVED IT!  I didn't
>say to myself "This is the way it MUST be!" I just personally liked it
>very much.

I feel similarly.  I thoroughly enjoy the sounds of a lot of the old
instruments, and I also enjoy the sounds from some of the ideas on medieval
vocal production (not reflected in most mainstream performances today).

>Why are people suspicious of the HIP movement?

As I attempted to describe previously, I perceive a certain dogma
creeping in around the edges, especially from many casual listeners who
seem to be building up ideas on how music "must" be.  Anything which starts
to delineate how much *must* be is a negative influence, in my mind, and
although HIP does not do this of its essence, the discussions necessarily
linked to it seem to foster the idea among more artistically and
philosophically naive individuals.  Ironically, the ultimate "naive"
idea, i.e.  "I just like the way it sounds," suits me just fine.

Todd McComb
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