Bob Draper <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>I find this latter subject of great interest.  But, attempts to generate
>discussion on it have often floundered because only a few will take part.

I had a coworker once who noticed that I listened to classical on
headphones.  Since she liked listening to Mozart and Baroque on the radio,
she suggested that I play my music so that we could both listen to it.
Imagining the looks I would get playing the fourth movement of Mahler's
Sixth at work, I tried diplomatically to explain that I thought that she
might find some of my music disturbing in an office environment.  I used
the words "ugly" and "violent" to describe Prokofiev for instance.

I was moved to another office a few days later.

I guess that ultimately, music that I like must have a discernable melody
and rhythm.  All of the 20th century music I like satisfies this criteria
even if it takes a while to find the pattern in all the noise.

Steve M. (Northern Virginia)