Martin Pitchon wrote:

>Achim Breiling said:
>>Do not wait any longer!  This *is* recorded and DG just issued the new CD
>>with Cartes Symphonia "Sum fluxae pretium spei" (BBC SO, Oliver Knussen).
>>Also on this CD is the clarinet concerto!
>I like almost every work by Schnittke.  (I don't like when his music
>becomes depressive).  I have not listen his 9th symphony yet.  Could you
>give me your opinion?...  And what about the clarinet concerto? Could you
>compare these works with others that I could know or even other composers?

Oh, here you mix up some things!  My reply was directed to a listmember
asking for a recording of Eliot Carters Symphonia, which was just released
by DG (I have to buy this disc myself..).  Schnittkes ninth is not recorded
and I have not heard a performance.  Judging from the symphonies 6-8 which
I know, the 9th is more in the depressive line, though I could be totally
wrong....thats why I would really like to have this one recorded!

Achim Breiling Ph.D.
email: [log in to unmask]