I wrote:

>>Or you can wait for the 94CD set traversal on BMG - all authorised by
>>Rubinstein ;-) The set is due in October 1999.

Eric wrote:

>Since Artur's been dead for quite a while, which Rubinstein authorized
>this monumental release?

I guess this set includes all the authorised works with RCA while he
was alive - includes Chopin and non-Chopin works (e.g., Schubert's
Wanderer-Fantasy, Bach/Busoni Chaconne etc etc).

>Who's in a position to cough up for 94 CDs at a clip?

The people that bought the DG Complete Beethoven Edition set or the Philips
Complete Mozart Edition set.  And currently, we have the Bach "Complete"
set from VARIOUS labels!  And to a lesser extent, a DG Chopin set.  So,
there must be demand from somebody to justify this sort of undertaking.

Kar Ming