Kevin Sutton wrote:

>A composer is great if I think he is great....

I said that too.

>My point is that greatness is subjective.  If I think that Beethoven is
>great and Mozart smells then who is to say that I am wrong so long as I
>don't prohibit anyone else from thinking otherwise.  All that one can argue
>in this debate are the characteristics of one composer's style over those
>of another that I find appealing or unappealing.

I said most of that as well.

But, the problem is that when we reduce the debate to these basics there is
very little to argue about (discuss).  I think I detect a reluctance among
group members to allow such a reduction as well.  My interpretation of this
is that most of us are on much more solid ground venting our feelings about
the composers we consider 'great' than we are on the philosophy of music
and its appreciation.

I find this latter subject of great interest.  But, attempts to generate
discussion on it have often floundered because only a few will take part.

Bob Draper
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