Small point on Bob Draper's intriguing reply to the brave Charles Dalmas:

>Doesn't rhythm imply repetition and isn't such a thing absent from much 20c

Not at all.  This confuses rhythm with metre.

>>Someone said that a note is not music, merely a component, and that person
>>is right on the money, since the concept of a note is abstract; however, if
>>you PLAY a note, it becomes music, since you are giving that note its place
>>in time and space (you play a certain number of cycles per second, and you
>>play it for a certain amount of time).  Also, if you have a "collection of
>>notes", they will not be music unless they are in their proper space and
>Sorry to be pedantic again, but according to this a composer does not
>write music. It only becomes music when it is performed. Can this be

I have a question:  Are architectural plans a house?

Steve Schwartz