Steve Schwartz's posting on Hindemith's piano sonatas caught my
imagination.  The only thing I know of him is a recording where he rather
stodgily conducts Brahms's Haydn Variations!  But I'm slowly getting to
love Bach so I might well come to like Hindemith.  I might try to play
the sonatas.  Is the Ludus Tonalis worth looking at or does it just have
pedagogical value? And what are some particularly insightful recordings
by which to get to know his major works? Steve warned that

>Most Hindemith interpreters play stiffly, drily, and without emotion,
>as if Hindemith really were some pedant interested in proving a theorem,
>rather than a poet with an astonishing mastery of craft

and I don't want them to turn me off the composer at first hearing.

Felix Delbruck
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