Donald Satz wrote:

>Ron might have me on this one.  I have a period instrument disc on Teldec
>having a volume of the string symphonies.  It's been a couple of years
>since I listened to it, but I do have a good memory of it and did feel
>something inside which was induced by the music, not a health problem.

The later string symphonies are by far the best.  Some of the early ones
are not so good.  So I would urge Don and others to get good versions of
works 9-12.

As these works were written by a very young Mendellsohn (12?) the
footprints of other composers (particularly Haydn) can be seen all over
them.  But Mendellsohn imparted something special of his own.  Here we
have a genuine child prodigy at work.  (The word genius is misused in
this context).

I love many of the string symphonies and return to them over and over
again particularly when I need cheering up.

Don't you even like the octet, songs without words and overtures Don?

Bob Draper
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