Dave Lewis wrote:

>As stated in the opening, I'd like to hear who your favorite neglected
>composers are - so over to you.

Miaskovsky - a close friend of Prokoviev who was completely overshadowed
by him.  Miaskovsky is less forward looking than Prokoviev, but so what.
Favorite works - the 6th symphony and the 1st string quartet.

Stenhammar - his 1st symphony sounds like some kind of Nordic Bruckner,
and the 1st piano concerto is epic in the same sense that the Brahms 2nd
is.  Most critics prefer his 2nd symphony and 2nd piano concerto, but if
you want to wallow in glorious romanticism, try the earlier works.

Kalinnikov - might have become better known if he had lived longer.  A nice
discovery for lovers of Russian romanticism.

Anton Rubinstein - His 4th piano concerto gets some exposure, but the rest
of his output is virtually unheard.  Again, if Russian romanticism appeals
to you, give him a listen.

Martucci - why are so many nonoperatic Italian composers overlooked (cf.
