Hello all;
I have two hives, both feral colonies obtained this April.  One hive is doing very well; the other hive is a non-performer.
The poor hive is working on only two full frames and will not expand.  There is a queen and this is at least its second queen - I have seen the new queen cells.  The newest queen is about six weeks old.

I have taken some steps to try to help...
1) I have added bees from the good hive to the poor hive; all that happened is that there were a few more bees - no expansion beyond the two frames.
2) I am feeding the bees with pollen substitute mixed with corn syrup and also giving them sugar water in a 1:1  mix.  This is to try to trick then into thinking there is some kind of nectar flow.
They eat the patties and drink the syrup - still no expansion.  I also started feeding them thinking there might not be enough bees to keep the queen and larvae fed.

Introducing a commercial queen is not a possibility - we cannot get them here.
Is there anything else I can do to try to make this hive thrive?  Add more bees from the good hive?
The bees all seem healthy - they are active foragers.  There are no distressed bees near the entrance or on the ground, no Foul Brood, no mites - they are not known to be in Bequia although I'm sure they are coming... 
Thanks for your advice,
Bob in Bequia