I did a search of the archives for this answer, but did not find it. A
baby, 11 lb 1 oz at birth was brought to our unit by the parents for breast
feeding help 2 times after discharge . Nursed well and frequently from
birth (C/S), but was not satisfied, and was given ABM supps in hospital.
Then from day 4 (discharge)until 2 weeks, exclusive breast milk. Babe
nursing well, and had begun to gain.    But, on day 7, Mom developed
thrush, Rx with Canestan cream, also doctor thought mastitis, Rx with
Cloxicillin. Then, telephone follow-ups (2) and doctor visits (1) were
At 2 weeks of age, babe quite suddenly developed green, mucousy, bloody
stools and had lost 11 oz since last visit to our unit (4 days), after
beginning to gain normally.
Babe was hospitalized x 3 days, OK now, gaining and thriving. Mom has cut
dairy from her diet, but also no more Cloxicillin and reports that
babe "much better".
My question:If the formula was the cause of the green, mucousy, bloody
stools, how long would it take to manifest itself.? If it was diarrhea from
the Cloxicillin, how long would it have taken to develop?
Thanks, Bobbie

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