Good morning to all of you- here it is 8:00 am and I am fuming.
At 7: 40 am this morning I got a call from a first time mom who gave birth
on Sunday (Four days ago) at a large hospital in our area. Her baby weighs
2.5 kgs, at 34 weeks, and the mom was released from the hospital yesterday
without the baby. She was released WITHOUT instructions about her breasts-
Of course she is engorged and hurting and nearly frantic -let's see if I
can remember all of the horrible details-
- They told her that there is no point in pumping at home and bringing the
milk to the hospital because it will spoil on the way.
- They said that now the goal is for the baby to gain weight so let's not
depend on your milk for that.
- She repeated that it is really her fault since she didn't go to the
lecture that was given at a certain time there when she was hospitalized,
and anyway she had no milk the first few days so didn't think much of it.
I am just livid. Of course I gave her the info she needs now plus a
referral to a local LC (there even is a great center in the hospital she
birthed in) .
Maybe I have high expectations but I think that regular nurses and
physicians should be able to give basic info like "you will probably have
full breasts by day 3, and will need to pump if you are not with your baby"
- let's not get carried away and expect information about bringing the
milk- even when he was sleepy the first three days and took no colostrom,
nobody saw and nobody helped. Not every situation needs a specialist.
I am so angry, but glad that I have this group to share this with. I am
sure that most of us have heard these horror stories first hand.
  Well, writing this cooled me off a little, but my adrenalin is still up
Jennie in Israel
(Where the famous episode of Chicago Hope is going to be aired this coming
Saturday- we are prepared!!)

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