I have a friend who started a hive from package bees this spring --May 1.
They multiplied nicely.
Filled out their first deep brood chamber in record time.
Filled out a second deep brood chamber with solid honey frames on both ends.
He then put on a queen exluder and a shallow about the first of July.
The bees didn't go up into the shallow.
Built a lot of burr comb down below.
He sprayed the shallow with sugar water.
They'd come up to get it but still wouldn't draw out comb.
I told him to take out the excluder and to feed them which he did two weeks
The bees are plentiful in the shallow now -- and have been since he removed
the exluder -- but they still refuse to draw out the comb there.
The bees are foraging actively.  Not sure what they are doing with what they
bring back?
He has no drawn out comb to use as "bait" in the shallow.
He would dearly love to get some honey for exracting.
What should he do???
Is it possible the queen is honey bound?
Should he cut out the burr comb and take out some of the brood frames.
If we go into the brood chambers, what should we be looking for?
Anyone have any ideas.
