Bob Draper Wrote:

>I went to a concert with my sister who knows nothing of music at all.
>There was a Mozart violin concerto and a Haydn Horn concerto in the first
>half.  During the interval she said to me unprompted re the Mozart work
>"you always know what's coming next don't you".  I agree.  Every time I
>hear Mozart work that's new to me after the exposition I can usually fill
>in the blanks.  Don't care what anyone says.

Try the C Minor Fantasia for piano. There is nothing predictable or
light-weight about that piece.  Every time he seems to resolve to his
characteristic lyricism, he undercuts it with the brooding tonic key.
Uchida had a wonderful disc that is, alas, out of print.  It is a live
concert in which she plays a number of Mozart's minor-key pieces, and it
shows a dark, brooding side to a composer we often think of as precocious
and delightful.

John Halbrooks