Walter Meyer wrote:

>BMG offered it for US$4.99 plus shipping, handling, and tax, totalling, it
>turned out to US$7.71.  But it was the Guarneri playing Janacek's quartets.
>What could I lose?
>I'd say, about half an hour's worth of music.  The darn CD has only about
>41 minutes of music on it.  I didn't know the quartets were that short.
>There must have been something of appropriate that Philips could have
>included to make this CD of decent length.

Sony SK66840 has the Julliards playing Janacek's quartets, which clock
in at about 46 minutes combined.  But the disc also gives us Berg's Lyric
Suite.  Total time:  77:10.  I like this disc, which is a good presentation
of music I don't often listen to.

Mitch Friedfeld