Harold Verdun writes:

>The Don Giovanni features Ezio Pinza and Alexander Kipnis as well as Bidu
>Sayao.  I would imagine if the sound does not emaciate the performances
>they should be quite stunning.

Stunning ain't the word.  This performance will make everything else you
ever hear totally inadequate.  The more you listen to it, the greater it
gets.  Not just the singing, but the characterizations -- these are flesh
and blood people with real problems and concerns and emotions.  You'll get
past the 1943 sound and maybe Naxos has improved over the old Melodram CDs
I have.  Pinza has to be the suavest, most seductive, convincing Don ever,
and that voice...Kipnis's Leporello is no put-upon mistreated servant, but
one who clearly relishes his role as aider and abetter.  Bampton's Donna
Anna is THE wronged woman, and makes a case for the "what do you mean
ALMOST ravished?" interpretation.  Novotna and Sayao are her matches as
Elvira and Zerlina, the latter esp.  an endearing and not nearly totally
naive peasant.

Run, don't walk to get this set, y'all.  In the bad old days before Naxos,
this -- when you could find it -- sold at over $50!
