Don Satz on Mozart's popularity:

>My conclusions are:
>2.  I know of no composer who could churn out as many great melodies within
>a small musical time frame as Mozart (the melody man).

Yes, he produced some great melodies but sometimes I think they are too
predictable, especially phrase endings.  His harmonies can be pretty static

>3.  Most listeners also want "upbeat" music; they want to be entertained,
>and who better to do this than Mozart whose music has a very high
>entertainment quotient.

It's upbeat music, but to me it's more noble than entertaining.  Haydn is

>4.  One additional trait which I think puts Mozart at the top of the
>"upbeat melody" category is how expertly he develops melodies and links
>them to one another in a work.  The flow is astounding.

Yes, the "flow" in his music is impressive.

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