Tim Hue writes:

>JG: "He started to do the slow movement (of Mozart's Flute/Harp Concerto)
>but..it was totally the wrong speed, which meant he had never heard a
>recording of it, and he hadn't looked at the score before."
>TB: "Except for some modern pieces he didn't particularly like, he knew
>all his scores by memory. His memory was immense."
>Could both be right?

Well, just consider the speed Bernstein chooses in one of his earlier
vs. later performances of the same composition, i.e., the finale of the
Tchaikovsky 6th symphony.  Just "he had never heard a recording of it" very
probably makes JG wrong.  From what little I remember HvK and JG didn't get
along well when JG was in *HIS ORCHESTRA*.

Norman Schwartz
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