John G. Deacon asked:

>Can anyone provide me, please, with any more interesting ideas of masonic
>musical connections *other* than the usual (Flute, Funeral Music ...)
>which might be of interest to them?

I have a tape of a concert performance of Sibelius's Masonic Ritual Music,
Op 113, from 1927 which I haven't heard for some years.  IIRC, it featured
a tenor who sounded uncertain in both words and pitch.  Cecil Gray's
"Sibelius" refers to it as Musique religieuse.  Both Gray and Grove say the
work is for voice, chorus and organ but the tape has an orchestra.  I know
nothing of the circumstances of its composition and a quick search hasn't
turned up any details - sorry.  I don't know of a commercial recording, but
given the Sibelius rarities that have emerged in recent years, I wouldn't
be surprised if there is one.

Richard Pennycuick
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