Jason Greshes wrote on Sunday that Berg learned from Schoenberg what
Schoenberg wanted to "postulate" to him- apparently in the belief that
Schoenberg was in the habit of teaching serial composition to his students,
which so far as I know he certainly .wasn't., or at least not at that stage
in his career.  Does Mr.  Greshes have evidence to the contrary? If Berg
decided to write serial music it was from either study of Schoenberg's
scores, or from asking Schoenberg (at length and repeatedly, according
to an essay in Style and Idea, if Berg was among the students mentioned)
to describe the method to him, but not from being forcibly exposed to
the method as a student.  (The teacher-pupil relationship .was. very
different in those days, in ways made clear in the annotations in the
"Berg-Schoenberg Letters", but make claims only where you have evidence.)

Eric Schissel