Philip Peters schreef [in part]:

>I also think highly of the Vienna Octet recording and, at the other end
>of ther spectrum, Mozzafiato & L'Archibudelli.  There are, however, a
>few recordings that haven't been mentioned yet in this thread which are
>worthwhile to hear:
>- The Berlin Octet (members of the Berliner Philharmoniker) (1975)

On Philips, Philip?

>- The Fine Arts Qt. with members of the New York Woodwind Quintet (sixties)

Good but not great IMO, now out on Boston Skyline BSD 143.  Manhattan-style
performance with lots of zip, not always appropriate timbral character.

>- The Lener Qt. plus four great musicians of which Charles Draper
>[clarinet] and Aubrey Brain [horn of course] are the most well known

Couldn't agree more.  There are some strange-sounding inflections and a
lot of quite unnecessary slides, but the ensemble is warm-sounding and the
playing relaxed without being sloppy.

John Wiser
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