Jon Lewis wrote:

>Bob, have you heard the Delius Appalachia/Song Of The High Hills
>(Rozhdestvensky/ Groves) one? I've had my eye on it as I've started getting
>into Delius and don't have either piece, and I'd rather have the Mackerras
>with the same coupling but that doesn't seem to be available anywhere UK,
>US or Can.  So I might just go with this one but I was wondering if it is
>one of the stinkers sound-wise.

I had a quick re-listen to all the CDs I've heard so far.  Here's the state
of play.

Richard Strauss Ein Heldenleben etc .....Good sound
Tippett Corelli fantasy Sym 3:: Average sound
Handel Various inc Zadok the Priest: Average sound.
Purcell Westminster Abbey Music:: Average sound
Liszt Piano Concertos 1/2:: Sound varies concerto1 is studio and
good but 2 is live and bad
Walton Viola/Violin concertos:: Average sound
Tchaikovsky sym4/violin concerto:: Average sound
Elgar Sym 1:: Dreadful sound
Dvorak Sym9:: Poor sound.

I have another 9 still in their wrappers.

The performance is nearly always excellent.  The main sound problem is not
distortion of the music or tape hiss but intrusive ambient noises.  I don't
mind this too much it gives it a certain air.

I haven't heard the BBC Delius but I have the Mackerras in my collection.
This is a fabulous CD with superb sound.  My advice wait until you get this
one.  It's Decca London 443 171-2.  Try writing to Decca.

I think I bought it in an HMV sale for around 5!!

Bob Draper
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