[log in to unmask] writes:

>But heck, Wes Crone's day job IS being a composer, ...

Well, let me say that I was not the one who said this to make things
clear.  I am a composer but I write just for myself.  I have never taken
a commission because I have not gotten one until just recently.  This is
because I have only just begun my drive to gain an audience for my works.
I have been writing "classical" music for some time now and I take great
joy when someone likes my music.  I am not too offended when someone does
not because everyone likes different things.  I agree with you about the
creativity wielded with two similar pieces.  Many people have commented
that Brahms' 1st symphony sounds like it should be Beethoven's 10th and
have also claimed that the anthem from the finale in the Brahms sounds
strikingly similar to the famous "Ode to Joy" from The Beethoven 9th.  to
me I say hogwash.  Sure they have similarities.  However, listening to them
fully is the best possible solution because it becomes evident just how
different they are.  Brahms' 1st is CLEARLY Brahms.  I think comparisons
are inevitable with almost anything in the human experience.  I don't think
they should be taken worth a grain of salt.  Brahms said it best when, upon
hearing comment of the similarity between his 1st symphony finale and the
Beethoven's 9th finale, Brahms quipped "Well, any donkey can see that!" A
classic line from a classic character.  He's saying listen to the work.
Don't sit there with your mind on extra-musical matters!

--Wes Crone (composer by twilight, slave to the mailing list by day) That's
a compliment Dave!  =:^)