Deryk Barker wrote:

>Walter Meyer ([log in to unmask]) wrote:
>>I watched the Leslie Howard/Wendy Hiller 1938 film and found that, while
>>it may not have had the benefit of Frederick Loewe's music, it had a very
>>adequate substitute: the music of Arthur Honegger.
>Hmmm, never seen that nor heard the music.  How does it turn out in the
>end? In Pygmalian Eliza walks out on Prof.  Higgins at the end, because
>she has gained her independence.

Unfortunately the Asquith 1938 film foreshadows Fair Lady and has Liza
coming back, anouncing in her flower girl speech that she's washed her
face and hands before she "come", to which Higgins, after twenty seconds
of pregnant pause asks where the devil his slippers are.  Shaw himself
participated in the rewrite of the screen play, so what can we say.  As a
screenplay, it won an Oscar, but lost out to Boys Town and Jezebel for best
actor and actress.

The Honegger score was pleasing.

Walter M.