I am a classical music fan as well as a 'funtime' composer of classical
music (http://members.spree.com/afro18/index.htm).  Although, I haven't yet
composed a symphony (due to my intense interest in classical piano/12-tone
structures), I would like to offer some advice.  I had a class in Music
Theory at my local university, where I study Comp Sci/Math...here's some

   1. ABA structure.....many pieces have a part, modulate (move) to another
     part, and go back to the first part.

   2. Fast-slow-fast....many orchestra workshops have a fast, then slow,
     then fast again structure, each part taking 1 movement. Also, can be

For my first symphony, I might do this:

   Movement 1-Allegro ma troppo-Andante simplice (A fast starting
   structure, and repeating it in a slower tempo later)

   Movement 2-Intermezzo (A break from the first part, a etude or
   variation 'from another world')

   Movement 3-Moderato-Dies Irae (Call it Mahlerian, but I would like
   to first write about the world, as I see it's suicide.......)

   Movement 4-Finale-Dies Irae Theme

Think hard about what you want, if I can help, I'm here...

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