Bob Draper wrote:

>I would encourage group members to tell of their discoveries.

I'll just go with my musical discoveries.  In recent weeks, I discovered
four composers of late romantic vintage:  Paul Le Flem, Jef Maes, Arthur
Meulmans, and Henri Rabaud.  I've been listening to one orchestral disc
of each of these composers and am impressed up to this point.  The works
are very easy to absorb and contain some fine melodies.  Also, there's an
impressionistic element to their music which I enjoy.  Sorry to present
them as 'the four musketeers', but the discs arrived on the same day, and
I haven't really sorted out their individual pedigree.

Concerning listening time, I probably end up dividing it equally between
the so-called major and minor composers.  It's equal opportunity for all
worthy entrants.

Don Satz
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