Steven wrote:

>Gerardo Constantini:
>>I would like to know which work among the tons of mediocre 20 century
>>composers(with their respective exceptions of course),can be stand at
>>higher level than the simplest Schumann,Chopin,and Rachmaninnoff works?
>I hate to point this out, but Rachmaninoff is a 20th-century composer.
>As to the mediocre 20th-century composers, probably none of them has
>written anything as good.  However, I can think of lots of composers of
>the twentieth century who have written works that I like as much as or
>even more than some works of Schumann, Chopin, and Rachmaninoff.  Still,
>I don't see the need to beat down one group in order to raise the other.

Well,i really was not very clear about it.  I was speaking in general
terms.Of course i love Prokoffieff music,as Scriabin,as Debussy,as Ravel,
a little bit of Messiaen,a little bit of Stravinsky,a lot of Villalobos,a
50 % of Shostakovich,a 10 % of Kabalevsky,a 20% of Kacchaturiam, a lot of
Brasilian composer Amaral Vieira(his music is quiete a revelation),etc.etc.
I just mentioned it to make an idea of my taste on "20 century music".
Anyway,concerning Rachmaninoff,despite his music cronologically belongs
mostly to the 20 century, his style (late romanticism,or whatever it
can be named)is completely out of it.  It's true, you can find (maybe
not a lot,but a reasonable amount) a composres at the same level of
Rachmaninnoff,but at the level of Schumann and Chopin,i think are only very
few(maybe Scriabin and Prokoffieff,and Debussy)deserve this high honor.
