Ruben Stam wrote:

>...  It reminded me of a remark philosopher George Steiner once made
>during an interview in his home in Cambridge (UK).  He said something like:
>"One thing I have never been able to explain is how the Kommandant of a
>concentration camp could go home in the evening after a grizly day's doing,
>sit down behind the piano with his wife and children around him an play a
Schubert impromptu.  And to say he played it badly would be a lie.  He
>would play it so movingly that tears would spring to your eyes."
>I haven't been able to explain that for myself either.

I think this is no other than a psychological case. It is known that famous
murderers of the history were over sentimental in their domestic life, they
were interested in art, especially in music. Maybe a way of compensate their
aggressive (I have to soften!) inner self...

Baris Kilicbay
Ankara, Turkey