Now just a cotton-pickin' minute! Bernard Chasan writes:

>What I was referring to was a situation such as the following
>hypothetical: composer hears Schubert's Trout Quintet, says: I love that
>music and I can DO that, and turns out a very, very similar piece we shall
>call the Salmon Sextet.

That's how I got started (although it was Beethoven's 5 or Dvorak's "New
World" when I said "Whay can't I do that?")

>That is in my opinion not an authentic creative endeavor.

Maybe not successful or may not engaging, but it is authentically creative.
After all, many composers show influences of others in their early works,
and this isn't necessarily wrong.  Just a few that may be engaging without
being entirely original:  the "Mozart" concertos by Beethoven and the
"Tchaikovsky" symphonies by Sibelius.

>But heck, Wes Crone's day job IS being a composer, ...

Almost a contradiction in terms--an artist whose artistic work pays the
bills doesn't need a day job.

Aaron J. Rabushka
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